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Obesity causes diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that often haunt our lives, all the people likely to be exposed to this disease. One major cause of this disease is obesity. People with abnormal body weight (obesity) are more likely to develop diabetes or in other words, Obesity causes diabetes.

Obesity causes diabetes

After knowing that Obesity causes diabetes, there are some positive things that we can get, yes .. at least we can try to find the best solution. Diabetes is actually very easy to prevent, as long as we want to implement a healthy lifestyle. Weight control is the key, with the weight balanced (normal) then we would be further away from the reach of diabetes.

According to a study, a person will have a smaller chance of developing type 2 diabetes as long as it is able to reduce weight by 10%. The study, led by Nisa Maruthur, MD is involved about three thousand people with diabetes problem. The results are surprising, they are able to lose weight up to 10% successful in reducing the problem of diabetes by 85%. Wow .. very spectacular results.

With these results it is clear that Obesity causes diabetes and the way to prevent / reduce the risk of diabetes is to lose weight. May be useful.........

Diet is good for health

Many people say that Diet is good for health with a variety of reasons. However, not a few people who hate diet for reasons too inconvenient themselves. Well, confused, right? Actually, diet is good for health or bad for health?

Diet is good for health

May be said that Diet is good for health, provided we are able to through it well and within the rules. Here are some reasons that could reinforce the notion that diet is good for health:

Preventing Alzheimer's Disease
With keeping your diet, we will obtain a healthy weight and ideal. Thus, our brain will also be able to function properly and symptoms of dementia which is the beginning of the cause of Alzheimer's disease will be minimized.

Healthy heart
With keeping the diet, amount of fat and cholesterol in the body can be controlled properly. Thus, the heart will be able to work properly.

Prevent cancer
Women who always noticed their diets tend to be further from the risk of cancer, especially breast cancer. With keeping your diet, the body will get the right nutrition (not less or excessive) as has been suggested by the American Cancer Society

Good mood
If you often feel in a bad mood, try to execute a healthy diet. A healthy diet is believed to make ourselves more relaxed.

So the conclusion : Diet is good for health .......

Good food to consumed before exercise

Before exercise, we should fill in stomach first to obtain extra energy. But the time between eating and exercising should be about 2 hours so we did not feel nauseous during exercise. So what are the Good food to consumed before exercise, so that we get the help of extra energy?

Good food to consumed before exercise

Yes, there are some Good food to consumed before exercise to get extra energy, such as:

Honey contains a fair amount of glucose and fructose (for additional energy source) so honey is very good to consumed before exercise.

Ginger is also very good for reducing the risk of cramps during exercise. However, it is recommended to eat before consume a ginger to prevent stomach irritation (eg, nausea and bloating)

Who says drinking coffee before exercise is not healthy? Drinking coffee just before exercise is very good to reduce the risk of muscle pain / cramps during exercise. Besides coffee is also capable of balancing the performance of the heart so as not work too fast.

Apples contain many quercetin, it's very good for our body metabolism. So, Apple is one of the recommended fruits to be consumed before exercise.

With the content of polyphenols, cherries can reduce muscle inflammation so as to minimize the risk of injury during exercise. In addition, cherry is also able to give us extra energy.

Yes, some types of food is Good food to consumed before exercise. By having healthy food will make the exercise more maximal. May be useful ........

Water makes smart brain

Ever feel the brain works slow and difficult to concentrate when you're doing a job? If yes, there is an easy solution that can do that is by drinking a glass of water. Yes .. Water makes smart brain, sharper thinking and improve memory.

Water makes smart brain

According to research conducted by the East London University, dehydration can affect the performance of our brain (the brain's performance declined). One of the researchers, Dr. Caroline Edmonds said that our brains desperately need water when you're working too hard.

If you begin to feel our brain works slowly, it is recommended to take a glass of water and drink it. In this way our brains will be able to work 14% better than the usual. So in other words, Water makes smart brain.

Very good addition to the performance of the brain, water is also good for our health support. By consuming lots of water will be able to excrete toxins from the body.

Now, are you believed Water makes smart brain?

Detoxifying food

Many delicious foods that contain toxins, whether little or much that has adverse effects for health. Thus, performance of liver also getting heavy (due to liver function as a detoxifying). For that, we need Detoxifying food that can alleviate the performance of our liver.

Detoxifying food

Some Detoxifying food that we consume is:

With vitamins C and D-glucaric, apples can relieve our liver performance by eliminating fat in the liver.

Since the days of our ancestors, turmeric is believed to serve as an antidote to toxins.

With the substances of anti-oxidants and vitamin, lemon is good if used to restore the condition of liver that work too hard.

Bitter melon
Despite having a bad taste (bitter), bitter melon also has great benefits for health. Bitter melon believed to be able to work out the toxins from the body and relieve liver performance.

Onion and garlic
Onion and garlic are rich in sulfur substance that can counteract free radicals and remove toxins from the bodies.

By consuming Detoxifying food regularly, it will be able to alleviate the performance of our liver

Some way to treat mosquito bites

Mosquito bites can be one thing that is very disturbing. In addition to painful bite, can also make the skin red and itchy. In fact, some of them to cause wounds. Is there a Some way to treat mosquito bites?

Some way to treat mosquito bites

Generally, when we are bitten by mosquitoes, so our first reaction is to scratch or looking for eucalyptus oil to relieve itching in mosquito bites. Well, there is Some way to treat mosquito bites, such as:

Lemon has a content that can repel germs and poison result of mosquito bites. Lemon juice or grater lemon peel can help solve mosquito bites to avoid further infection.

Apple Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is also able to relieve the itching of mosquito bites. Apply apple cider vinegar on mosquito bite, soak the mosquito bite in water with a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Banana peel
Many people are not knowing that the compound in the inside of a banana peel can help eliminate toxins in bite mark and soothe the skin. It is better than you must scratch it and leave red marks on the skin.

Baking Soda
Combine baking soda with water, then soak the mosquito bite in the water for a few moments. This technique can help reduce the itching and soreness due the mosquito bite

Thus Some way to treat mosquito bites, may be useful ...

Some benefits suji leaves for health

Suji leaves always synonymous with natural coloring for food. How to use suji leaves for food coloring is quite easy, grab some leaves and then mashed and squeezed the water and filter, you will get a solid green color. Suji leaves has a scientific name Pleomele angustifolia, From Liliaceae family.

Some benefits suji leaves for health

Addition can be used as a natural coloring, there are Some benefits suji leaves for health. Green color that produced when we squeeze the leaves suji shows that it contains chlorophyll (green leaves substance) is very high. The chlorophyll can function as an antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic power in vivo. The chemical activity is very good for suppress Atherosclerosis disease. Aterosklorosis triggered by low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL / Low Density Lipoprotein) is oxidized.

Here is an example Some benefits suji leaves for health (a natural herb with leaves suji)
Treating cough slimy and bloody : 20 suji leaves washed thoroughly, mash until mashed, add ½ cup water. After that, squeeze and drink 2 times a day morning and evening.

In addition, suji leaves and other parts of trees can also treat gonorrhea, Stomach Pain, Pain during menstruation and dysentery.

Thus, Some benefits suji leaves for health, may be useful ...

Smile can prevent heart disease

Believe or not, Smile can prevent heart disease. Before we discuss more about the relationship between smiles and heart disease, let's introspect ourselves first. Have you ever smiling? How did the others see us smiles? Yes, smiles always provide a friendly atmosphere for everyone.

Smile can prevent heart disease

In addition the familiar traits, smiles is also very beneficial for our health. Happy people tend to have a lower possibility of developing heart disease than those who rarely smiling. Smile can prevent heart disease is not nonsense, a researcher from Johns Hopkins University have provided reinforcement of research results (about the relationship between smiles and heart disease).

The study lasted long enough, ie for 25 years and involves about 1,500 volunteers. They are constantly responding to the problem with positive thinking and smiling likely to have lower heart problems compared to those who responded to the problem with the pessimistic and negative thinking.

Thus, from the results of these studies have proven that Smile can prevent heart disease is true. Start smiling now to get a healthy heart. May be useful ......

High heels make leg injury

Women will do anything in order to look beautiful and cool, one of them is wearing high heels. The beautiful shoes this one is a mainstay of women, can make the body taller, more upright posture and make walking more graceful way. But, did you know that High heels make leg injury.

High heels make leg injury

Unfortunately, based on the latest survey, High heels make leg injury for many women. Quoted from Dailymail website, a survey conducted College of Podiatry to see the effect of high heels on women.

The result:
  • Actually, women are not able to wear high heels in a long time. Only in 1 hour, 6 minutes and 48 seconds, the average woman will feel pain and want to take off the high heels.
  • The dancers could only comfortable with high heels for 10 minutes.
  • Some women suffer from neurological disorders because of wearing high heels and must undergo treatment for it.
  • As many as 90 percent of women had experienced an injury while wearing high heels.
  • Strangely, although the legs feel sore and pain, women are not examined problems in the feet. They assume it as a matter of course, whereas pain caused by high heels can damage feet health.
After knowing that High heels Make leg injury, whether still interested to wearing high heels?

Diet with water

For us who are trying to lose weight, there is a very easy way to worth a try. Not drug or a very torture diet for yourself, but only with water. Yes, Diet with water believed to be able to lose weight fast and healthy.

Diet with water

Diet with water is the easiest way of diet that is worth trying. A study has been conducted by Nutrition Science at the Berlin School of Public Health, Charité University Hospital found that the water can be used to help lose weight. According to the study, a person's weight will drop about 1.81 kg just by drinking 2 glasses of water before eating.

According to another study, people who drink at least 2 liters of water per day can lose more weight than those who consume less water. The theory is: by drinking lots of water will make the body more energetic so that the body will be able to burn more calories than usual.

But, not everybody can successfully lose weight through Diet with water. Some people experience failure, for this reason should be done a further research to enhance the results of previous research.

However, consuming water also has many benefits for our health, such as: removing toxins from the body, digestion etc..

Unique facts of our bodies

Our body composed of arrangements most extraordinary part. If one part of our body is not functioning normally, will result abnormally in other parts of the body. Believe it or not, there are some Unique facts of our bodies that we may not know.

Unique facts of our bodies

Some of the Unique facts of our bodies, such as:

Our bones are one part of the body that is very unique. Our bones even become higher in the morning and shorter at night. Actually, our bones can be stronger than the concrete, just how we treat him. Bones of children will develop optimally, especially during the spring.

Hair is a crown for every person, a good hair care will increase confidence. However, when we know hair loss, the first thing we think is "our hair is not healthy". Eitss .. need to know that women's hair fall out about 70 hair strands per day and men about 40 strands fall out per day, and it is reasonable.

To take care of existing blood in our bodies is very easy. A healthy lifestyle is the key.

Believe it or not, the most powerful muscles of our body is the tongue. Sense of taste in children are usually more sharply than adults. To maintain the health of our muscles, it is recommended to exercise regularly.

Believe or not, if we cover your nose when sneezing can cause the eyeball out of place. For that, it is not advisable to hold my nose while sneezing. The power of sneeze we even much greater than on a motorcycle though. The speed of sneeze around 100 miles per hour.

Thus, some of the Unique facts of our bodies, may be useful ......

Working overtime can lead to infertility

In the post titled Working overtime can lead to infertility, this time we will discuss the adverse effects overtime work especially for women. If we keep the job, then there will be no end. Sometimes, for professionalism demands we must be able to complete the work on time. If the work clock is not enough to complete all of work, then the last resort is to be taken is overtime work.

Believe or not, Working overtime can lead to infertility, especially for women. The opinion is not without reason, a study has proved it. For women who do not have children, working overtime can lead to infertility. In the study proved that nearly 80% of women who often work overtime have problems with fertility. For pregnant women, too often working overtime can lead to miscarriage.

In studies involving about 100,000 women have actually strengthens the assumption that Working overtime can lead to infertility. According to the researchers: Dr. Linden Stocker, working the night shift making body rhythm becomes chaotic. Production of hormones in the body is also becomes chaotic (one of them is a fertility hormone). In addition, according Dr. Linden Stocker too often working overtime can also cause breast cancer.

For this reason, recommended that not too often working overtime, especially for women (effective working hours is about 7-8 hours per day. Hopefully this information can be useful .......

Spicy food causes liver disease

Liver disease is one of the diseases that are harmful to humans. Many factors can cause this disease, one of which is unhealthy lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyle a major impact on liver disease. Some argue that Spicy food causes liver disease! Is this true opinion?

Spicy food causes liver disease

Actually, spicy food is not the main factor that can cause liver disease. But, oily and fatty food was a big influence on liver disease. The bad news is: Spicy food is always identical with oil and fats, probably because this is a lot to argue that Spicy food causes liver disease.

Not all spicy spice can cause liver disease, for example: coriander and ginger (coriander and ginger is protective to liver). But, for those who suffer from liver disease is recommended to avoid spicy foods. People with liver disease is recommended to consume foods with a neutral flavor for healing process.

Thus, the argument that Spicy food causes liver disease is not fully false. But, we also must respond wisely. Hopefully this article can be useful for all of us ......

Lemon cake special

Lemon cake special
  • 200 grams of butter
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 150 gr flour
  • 3 teaspoons lemon syrup
  • 5 teaspoons grated orange peel
  • 5 egg whites, shake until stiff

Top layer:
  • Combine gelatin, water and sugar then bring to a boil.

The inner layer:
  • ½ packet of jelly
  • 250 cc of water
  • 50 grams sugar
  • Pieces of orange and green cherry

How to make:
  1. Shake butter and white sugar until smooth, add the egg yolks one by one while continuing to be shaken.
  2. Add flour and stir slowly with a wooden spoon, add the lemon syrup and orange peel.
  3. Enter whisk the egg whites and stir until blended.
  4. Prepare pan, spread with a sprinkling of flour, pour the batter into the pan.
  5. Bake in preheated oven until cooked.
  6. If it is cool remove from pan and cut into 2 parts, apply orange marmalade.
  7. Flush the top layer with dough of top layer, given a piece of orange and decorated with green cherry.

Watch TV + snacking can cause obesity

Why Watch TV + snacking can cause obesity? Eating potato chips, sweet cookies or other light snacks while watching TV is fun. This habit is actually unhealthy. First, light snacks have very little nutritional content. Second, weight faster ride for those who love watching TV while snacking. Imagine, small size popcorn that did not make full it contains 670 calories and 34 grams of saturated fat.

Watch TV + snacking can cause obesity

What's worse, when someone is watching TV while snacking, she is often not aware of how much has been spent a snacks. Eyes staring at the screen, mouth chewing and brain does not record how many you eat. This is what causes the over weighted quite quickly without realizing it. he conclusion is, Watch TV + snacking can cause obesity.

To avoid this case, you can do prevention by:

Make Busy Hands
Usually snacking because someone when the hands are not doing anything. You can do something while watching TV, for example, paint your nails.

Choose the healthier snack
You can replace the existing snack at home. If you are providing a bag of potato chips, you can replace it with apple slices. Make sure you put the apples in a visible place, thus more motivated to enjoy it. Providing water can also help. Often someone snacking out of boredom, not hunger and need extra food.

A study shows that people who exercise regularly have a smaller snack cravings than those who did not exercise. You can do light exercise such as walking in the morning or simple cardio using a variety of free health videos uploaded on Youtube.

Those are some tips that you can try. After knowing that Watch TV + snacking can cause obesity, now who likes to snack while watching TV?

Pregnancy can cause asthma get worse

Is it true that if a woman suffers from asthma and Pregnancy can cause asthma get worse? Maybe it was the questions that appears in the minds of women who suffer from asthma when the woman wants to get pregnant and have a baby.

Pregnancy can cause asthma get worse

If you are one of those women who think like that, you may feel a bit of relief for now, No studies have proven this. So, this is may not necessarily be happen to you who want get pregnant when you have asthma.

Based on some of the women who have been pregnant with asthma, they found that he suffered asthma get worse when they are pregnant (Pregnancy can cause asthma get worse). However, there is also an opinion that they are contracting asthma remained the same as before he underwent pregnancy.

Asthma is not the one reason for women not to get pregnant. However, if your pre-pregnancy condition worsens asthma, try to consult your doctor first, so that you feel at ease while undergoing pregnancy.

The symptoms of cancer

Cancer is one of the dreadful diseases that affect many people in the world. Average can result in death, but there also can be cured with treatment and feeling super positive. Our bodies already provide a signal that the cancer is growing and may require further treatment. Well, how do The symptoms of cancer?

The symptoms of cancer

The symptoms of cancer we need to know, such as:

Drastic weight loss
If you feel the weight dropped dramatically and followed with appetite also down with unnatural, be careful. It may be a symptom of cancer, to avoid the bad things, recommended to immediately went to the doctor nearby.

Excessive anxiety
Psychological conditions may also affect the emergence of cancer. If we feel the anxiety or excessive fears and take place in a long period of time, could have cause an cancer. Positive thinking is one way that we can do to avoid cancer.

If we feel tired overload around the back area, and around the armpits, immediately went to the doctor. Usually something like this is a symptom of breast cancer and lymphatic cancer.

Changes in body parts (unreasonably)
If there is one or several parts of our body that changes with unreasonably (eg: enlarged breasts, enlarged moles, certain parts of the body begin to stand out etc.) immediately consult a doctor to avoid the bad things that might happen (for example: cancer )

Yes, The symptoms of cancer we need to know and hopefully this article can be useful .....

Pie two color

Pie two color

  • 150 grams of butter
  • 75 grams sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 300 gr flour
  • 2 apples, peeled and grated
  • 1 lemon (taken the water)
  • 50 grams sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 can peaches large size (partly crushed, partly thinly sliced)
  • 1 apple, thinly sliced ​​for garnish top

How to make:
  1. Mix butter with flour, sugar, and eggs. Stir well.
  2. Print in a fireproof pan that has been buttered. Prick with a fork. Grilled for 10 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, cook the apples with lemon juice, sugar, salt and maizena. Stir until thick. Lift. After a rather cold, enter the already mashed peaches
  4. Put the dough in the bowl pie. Arrange alternating apples and peaches. Grilled until cooked.
For 15 pieces

Eating at night make slim body

Eating at night make slim body, but during this time many women avoid eating over at 5 pm because they want to keep the weight. In addition to not eating over at 5 pm, do not eat carbs also believed to maintain weight.

Eating at night make slim body

In fact, Eating at night make slim body. Want to know why?

Eating carbohydrates at night can control hunger
A study conducted in 2011 was published in the Obesity and Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases research about this. This study showed that the participants who ate the most carbs at night is more able to control hunger. Hunger when not eating at night will occur on the next day. While eating the proper servings before bed will make sleep more soundly and the next day do not eat much at breakfast.

Low glycemic foods help control blood sugar
American study found that the food consumed night affects the digestive process of food consumed in the morning. When the night was not eating at all then it will be a long process because of the body's digestive difficulties to process the food you eat at breakfast. Therefore, it is recommended to consume low-glycemic foods such as potatoes and vegetables at dinner. Because food will help control blood sugar and improving digestion of food at breakfast.

Consumption of protein before sleeping for muscle formation
Eating before bed can help optimize your muscle building efforts. Proper protein intake will make the muscles stronger and more malleable. Dinner with proper portions and the menu in accordance with the recommended minimum body needs will bring good effects for the body.

That is why Eating at night make slim body, may be useful ....

Young mango cake

  • 1 cup cooking oil
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups flour (sifted)
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp powdered soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup roasted peanuts (chopped)
  • 3 cups young mango flesh, cut into small pieces
  • 2 cups flour mixed with 2 tablespoons hot water.
How to make:
  1. Oil shaken with sugar until fluffy, put the eggs one by one while shaken constantly.
  2. Put all the ingredients into it with vanilla powder and salt.
  3. Stir flour into it and the last, add slices of young mango and chopped roasted peanuts.
  4. Heated oven on 350 degrees C. Prepare pan with holes in the middle, covered with oil or butter. Then coated with a thin wheat.
  5. Pour the batter into it. Bake for one hour
  6. Once out of the oven, let 20 minutes before draining from pan.
  7. Decorated with sauce

Drink plenty of water to lose weight

You'll often hear the suggestion "Drink plenty of water to lose weight". These suggestions are not just a myth, because a recent study showed that women who consumed more water to lose weight faster than women who drink water in normal servings each day.

Drink plenty of water to lose weight

Why Drink plenty of water to lose weight? Water can increase weight loss, "said Brenda Davy, associate professor from Virginia Tech. Launched from the site Newsmaxhealth. Professor Brenda Research conducted showed that adults who drank two cups of water each day had more to lose weight 4 pounds more than those who consume normal amounts of water.

Other studies have shown that obese women are on a diet and consume more water to lose weight more than women who do not consume a lot of water in the diet. So to say, the amount of water you drink effect on weight loss.

The researchers do not know exactly the relationship of weight loss and intake amount of water consumed. So far the amount of intake of water can help neutralize hunger so that one does not overeat. Drinking more water is also assumed to increase metabolism and accelerate weight loss.

Thus the discussion on Drink plenty of water to lose weight, may be useful ...

Honey + lemon juice to guarantee our health

Readership of "Honey + lemon juice to guarantee our health" article, who does not like the taste of sweet honey and fresh flavor of lemon water. Besides having a delicious flavor, honey and lemon juice also has many benefits for our health. Moreover, if both (honey + lemon juice) combined, will result in tremendous benefits for our health.

Honey + lemon juice to guarantee our health

Some of the benefits of Honey + lemon juice to guarantee our health, such as:

Aid digestion
The combination of honey and lemon can be trusted to help our digestion. In fact, the combination of honey and lemon juice can also be used to treat a variety of gastrointestinal diseases.

The natural Detox
The combination of honey and lemon water can also to function as a natural detox for the body. In addition to not having adverse effects on health, the combination of honey and lemon juice is also quite economical.

Improving kidney health
One of the causes of kidney disease is too much calcium in our bodies. With consume honey and lemon water regularly is believed to help remove excess calcium through urine.

Cure of sore throat
If you have a problem with of sore throat, then a combination of honey and lemon can be the best solution. This is because honey contains an ingredient that can kill the bad bacteria causing of sore throat.

Hopefully this article about the "Honey + lemon juice to guarantee our health" can be useful for us

Take care your teeth properly

Than have toothache is better heartbroken ... Well, that's about the most appropriate phrase to describe how tormented suffering from toothache. Toothache is usually preceded by symptoms of cavities and eventually lead to swelling of the gums. When suffering from a toothache whatever we do feel uncomfortable, uneasy talking etc.

Take care your teeth properly

For that, earliest possible we must to prevent so that no teeth cavities (dental cavities is one of the main causes of toothache). There are some tips for taking care of our teeth to stay healthy and strong:

Brush your teeth properly
Brushing teeth properly is from the top down so that the dirt that is in between the teeth can be cleaned properly. It would be better if we brush our teeth in front of the mirror to make it easier to clean.

Avoiding sugary foods
Sugary foods can cause cavities. Sweet taste in foods over time will become acidic in the mouth. Well, this acid that will eventually create cavities. Moreover, if we rarely brushing teeth, bacteria from the remnants of food stuck in the teeth will speed up formation of cavities.

Choosing the right toothbrush
The selection of toothbrushes also help determine the level of tooth hygiene. Recommended to select a toothbrush with soft bristles so as not to injure the enamel. It would be better if the head of the toothbrush has a small head so it can reach out dirt which is on the inside.

Brush your teeth regularly
Brushing your teeth regularly to minimize the risk dental cavities. Recommended to brush tooth 2 times a day for maximum tooth protection.

Prevent cancers with pare

Pare is one of the plants that are less favored by most people, the reason only one: Pare was a bit bitter. Once processed into food, pare still have a somewhat bitter taste. However, that does not mean there are not people who like bitter melon, there are many who idolized pare as their favorite food.

Prevent cancers with pare

There is good news for fans of pare, let us try for a moment back to the past. Since ancient times, Chinese and Korean residents often use pare as a medicine for various types of diseases. Pare also believed to be used as an effective medicine to cure of cancer because pare many contain of beta-carotene.

Besides can be function as a remarkable medicine, pare is also able to stimulate our appetite so pare is the best solution for us who want to gain weight. Wow ... remarkable benefits of this pare. So, for those of us who are not so fond of pare flavor, after knowing so many health benefits of pare, still not change your mind?

If you're curious to know and feel the benefits of this pare, not hurt if you try it now ......

Carrot Raisin

Carrot Raisin

  • 250 grams of butter
  • 250 grams sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 310 gr flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 200 gr grated carrots
  • 150 cc of liquid milk
  • 50 gr raisins

How to make:
  1. Shake butter with sugar until creamy. Add eggs one by one while continuing to be shaken.
  2. Pour the flour that has been sifted with baking powder. Stir well.
  3. Finally add the grated carrots, milk, and raisins. Stir well.
  4. Pour batter into small molds that has been spread with butter. Grilled until cooked in the oven that has been heated in advance.
For 20 pieces

Jackfruit cake

Jackfruit cake

  • 6 chicken eggs
  • 2 cups flour
  • ½ coconut
  • 1 ½ cups granulated sugar
  • 1 oz butter
  • 1 cup finely chopped jackfruit
  • 1 tsp baking powder

How to make:
  1. Shake eggs and sugar until fluffy.
  2. Jackfruit and butter are mixed and Shaken well, then enter the flour and stir.
  3. When it evenly, enter the baking powder and stir well until evenly.
  4. After that, put the pan and baked in the oven until cooked.

Some exercise that recommended during menstruation

Menstruation is a "guest" routine for women who come each month. Every time a guest comes, when it also usually women experience some complaints surrounding abdominal areas (eg pain). With circumstances like this makes them (women) being lazy move. Let alone to exercise, doing light activity feels hard to do.

Some exercise that recommended during menstruation

The most of womens are afraid to exercise with a reason to avoid the risk of fainting and fatigue. However, exercise regularly very needed by women when experiencing menstruation in order that body weight remain ideal.

Here are some types of little exercise can be done by the women who is menstruating:

Doing slight movements in the morning will help us get the spirit to do activities throughout the day. In addition, mild heating can also reduce abdominal pain when menstruation.

Get up early and take a walk around the house while inhaling the morning air will make our body eager. The morning atmosphere which is so beautiful will make our feelings become calm so that stress due to menstruation will be minimized.

We can also do a jog around the house. No need to force or make excessive targets, jog as much as we can will make the body fit. With a fit body, pain complaint when menstruation would be reduced.

Yoga exercise can also be done to calm the mind and create a sense of calm. When the womens was menstruating usually feel excessive anxiety and fear, so that yoga exercise to be one of the best solutions that we can do to resolve the problem.

consuming fruits can slow the aging

Slow the aging, other than through aesthetics can also be consumed through nutrition. Dr. Ryan Thamrin, sexologists and anti-aging suggests that fruits contain antioxidants play a role in counteracting free radicals.

consuming fruits can slow the aging

According to Ryan, an antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables that contain, among others, vitamin A, C, and E. Antioxidants can also be found in the spice, tea, and soy.

To get the maximum nutrition from fruits, he advised the fruit consumed in fresh condition. Fruit is not consumed and stored in the refrigerator is no longer fresh and nutrition in it has diminished.

To slow aging, Ryan Thamrin advise people to implement healthy lifestyle. Quitting smoking, regular exercise, and limiting sugar intake to be a way to a healthy lifestyle.

Apple cake special

Apple cake special

  • 4 apples
  • 2-3 tbsp brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup corn oil or melted butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 10-12 tbsp cold water
  • 2 ½ cups flour
  • 4 tsp baking powder
  • Salt to taste

How to make:
  1. Thinly sliced ​​apples and mix with brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour and cinnamon.
  2. Grease a pan with butter and cover with wax paper.
  3. Whisk sugar and eggs. Add corn oil, vanilla and salt.
  4. Once well blended, give water and flour little by little and baking powder.
  5. Pour ½ batter into the pan, place the apple slices on top, pour the remaining batter until covered the whole apple slices.
  6. Bake in oven for 45 minutes.

Prevent the breast cancer with fish

Consume fish that contain healthy fats such as salmon, tuna and sardines can help reduce the risk of breast cancer. So reports a new study. The good news is certainly heartening, because prevents breast cancer as early as possible with natural materials is an effort that we can do.

Prevent the breast cancer with fish

Reporting from Newsmaxhealth.com site, research conducted Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China showed that women who regularly consume fish that contain good fats such as salmon, tuna or sardines may help reduce the risk of breast cancer. The report is published in the journal BMJ.

Fish that contain fatty acids known as n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), are involved in the chemical messages in the brain. Women who regularly eat fish have a reduced risk of breast cancer by 14 percent.

This natural substances will regulate the activity of the blood vessels and the immune system. These fatty acids are also associated with protection to heart. The recommended amount by Duo Li, professor of nutrition, is consume 1-2 fish servings per week.

Besides diligently eating fish, regular exercise, multiply eat vegetables and fruits is the best way to prevent breast cancer.

5 foods that should be avoided diabetics

Affected by diabetes is a severe test of life. In addition cannot be cured, diabetes has a lot of restrictions that must be adhered to and consistently performed. The risk of diabetes can be reduced as long as you want to make changes in lifestyle. Reduce sugary foods, stop smoking, exercise diligent is a way to survive despite suffering from diabetes. Food should really be kept, and avoid the consumption of "this vegetable" because not good for diabetics.

Potato has fat and powdery substance. In addition, the content of sugars in potatoes is also quite high. That is why, you should avoid processed potatoes in any form. Change potatoes with wheat or oatmeal if you want to have carbs for your body.

5 foods that should be avoided diabetics

Stop chewing peanuts eggs when you're late or snack while chatting with your relatives. Nuts should not be consumed by diabetics. Leave the nuts and start living healthy with fresh fruit consumption multiply like melon and watermelon.

5 foods that should be avoided diabetics

Diabetics should not eat too much powdery substance. Corn contains high powdery substance and sweetness that comes from the sugars contained in them. Avoid eating corn and choose to consume other vegetables such as spinach or carrots as a substitute for corn mixture.

5 foods that should be avoided diabetics

Tomatoes have citric acid but they are basically sweet. Avoid excessive eating tomatoes by replacing the tomatoes in a salad with watercress or cucumber that much. If you like drinking tomato juice, then you can turn it into a drinking apple juice or strawberries.

5 foods that should be avoided diabetics

Yam have a high glycemic index. Although yams healthy, diabetics should avoid these foods. Just like potatoes and corn, yams consumption should be replaced with whole wheat, oatmeal or brown rice.

5 foods that should be avoided diabetics

Obesity can lead a chronic migraine

Migraine is a headache that just happened or throbbing in one spot on the head. For patients with migraine, headache they experienced was more severe than usual headache. If you experience frequent migraines, you may have to check body weight, because one of the causes of migraine is obesity.

Obesity can lead a chronic migraine

A study by the American Academy of Neurology showed that 10 percent of migraine that occurs is episodic migraines or migraines that occur 14 days or less in a month. If more than it could in the category of chronic migraine. In addition, studies on 3,700 adults showed that body weight can affects the headache.

Someone who has a high body mass index may have a greater risk of experiencing episodic migraine, even with a low frequency, explained Dr. B. Lee Peterlin, one of the researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

At least, two little research has been shown that some patients who lost weight experienced a slight reduction in migraine. Of course, this study remains to be perfected to see if these results are accurate enough to valuation matters more deeply, for example consider the person's lifestyle.

5 symptoms of iron deficiency

Iron deficiency can make the body feel tired and restless. In addition, generally arise dizzy and uncomfortable on the body which is often known as anemia. Anemia is more common in women, especially arise when menstruating or are pregnant

5 symptoms of iron deficiency

Whether your body is iron deficiency? To ensure the symptoms, the following signs are visible when the body was having iron deficiency.

Suddenly you feel dizzy, head spinning, and then everything went black. You fainted. And this is the first sign that indicates iron deficiency.

The face looks pale
iron deficiency is always identical with a pale face. When looking in the mirror and find our face pale, it's good to see a doctor immediately to prevent things that are not desirable.

When a woman is menstruating, headaches are often felt, because the blood supply to the brain is slightly reduced due to iron deficiency.

If you suddenly feel restless, tired and always sweating even been sleeping 8 hours a day, then this is also a sign that the body is deficient in iron.

Short breath
Oxygen carried by the blood to be circulated throughout the body and oxygen will be delayed or disrupted distribution of blood when iron deficiency. This is causes us having shortness of breath.

3 healthy and delicious breakfast menu

Breakfast is very important for our health and support the work, as we've discussed in previous articles. Sometimes we haven't much time to prepare breakfast, because we are busy. Until in the end makes us ignore the breakfast.

3 healthy and delicious breakfast menu

Preparing a delicious and quality breakfast menu don't have to require a long time. Here are some delicious and quality breakfast menu that can serve with quickly:

Milk and cereal
With complete vitamins and nutrients, milk and cereals could be one good choice of breakfast menu. We don't need a lot of time to prepare breakfast like this. However, recommended to choose low-fat milk to avoid the possibility of developing of diabetes.

Vegetable salad
We can make a vegetable salad for breakfast. Mixing some of favorite vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.) and mixed with a little olive oil is one of the breakfast menu is light, fast and healthy.

Wheat bread + boiled eggs
Wheat bread contains carbohydrates and boiled eggs are rich in protein. The breakfast menu with wheat bread + boiled eggs is one of the best options for us. With a good contain of carbohydrate and protein, will be able to make us eager (with a maximum working) until lunch time.

To prepare a delicious and quality breakfast menu don't always take a long time, we only takes about 10 minutes. So for our busy, never hurts to try 3 menu above (milk and cereal, vegetable salad and wheat bread + boiled eggs).

Why knowing blood type is very important?

There are many people who do not realize the importance of regular health checks. Some people think that if everyday there was no any health problems then it means the body isn't in a state sickness. In fact, the symptoms of the disease cannot we feel and chronic disease suddenly appeared unexpectedly. Routine health check and determine blood type is important.

Why knowing blood type is very important?

If do not know your blood type, are the most likely to cause some adverse effects even more adverse in the future. Yapzz .. Let's discuss together, Why knowing blood type is very important?

Maximizing diet
You want to continue to maintain body weight and health? So a diet based on blood type can be one powerful solution. By knowing your blood type, then the diet will be easier because you can pick what foods should you limit for consumption. Different blood type then also different dietary restrictions.

Avoid chronic disease
By knowing the blood type and know the restrictions for the blood type then you can avoid chronic disease. Suppose that A blood type should not eat too much of foods so that you can avoid the risk of adverse effects that foods can you avoid far-away days.

Healthy family in the future
An disease suffered by a child, it is possible that the disease is a degenerative disease from their parents. When mixed with a certain blood type and become a fetus, can also be a cause for the congenital disease for the baby (for example: if the mother is rhesus negative and the father's rhesus positive). But, bad possibility as it would be avoided if you have already know your blood type and potential mates.

So, to avoid bad possibility in the future, there is no harm if we check the blood early. Hopefully useful and see you again on the next posting ....

Characteristics of nuggets that safe to consumed

Nugget is one of the foods derived from chicken smooth and most liked by children. Nugget is actually good for child health because it contains some nutrients, but vigilant also very necessary before buying nuggets. Why?

Characteristics of nuggets that safe to consumed

Lately been found nugget that was allegedly made ​​from stale meat, so it is not good for child health. So, how do we know that the nuggets are made from stale meat or not?

Here are some nuggets characteristics suitable for consumption:

Check the pack
Before deciding to buy the nugget, the first thing that is very important to do is check the date of manufacture, expiry date and ingredients used to make these nuggets. It aims to ensuring that the nuggets that we will buy it secure of cleanliness and health.

Fot fishy
With some processing, the nugget should not leave a fishy smell. Well, if the nugget issued fishy smell, possibility the nuggets are made from less hygienic meat.

Good color
Nuggets that ready to consume should be golden brown (because nuggets are made of chicken meat). However, if the nugget that we will buy colored dull and uninteresting we should "undo good faith" to buy the nugget. Possibly, the nugget has been mixed with harmful ingredients or made ​​from stale meat.

If the texture of the nuggets that we will buy too soft or too hard, should we cancel the intention to buy this nugget because nuggets like it less suitable for consumption.