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The symptoms of breast cancer

In the previous article we discussed about the definition of breast cancer. In this article we will discuss about some of the symptoms of breast cancer. Breast cancer have not a specific symptoms, the symptoms of breast cancer will be seen when it is severe. For that, we should consult to doctor to determine whether we are affected by breast cancer or not.

The symptoms of breast cancer
Vstock / Getty Images

The symptoms of early stage breast cancer is different from advanced stage breast cancer, let us discuss one by one:
  • Early-stage breast cancer, Early stage breast cancer have some the symptoms, such as:
  • Drastic weight loss, If your weight suddenly drop drastically, it is possible that you experienced the symptoms of breast cancer. To be sure, please consult to doctor.
  • Fever and pain around the breast, If you often suffer fever and pain around the breast, consult with your doctor to determine whether you are affected by breast cancer or not.
  • Irregular metabolism, The symptoms of early stage breast cancer is usually indicated by irregular metabolism (frequently urination or defecation).
  • Changes in breast shape, Changes in breast shape and pus oozing is also a symptoms of breast cancer.

If the the symptoms of breast cancer in the early stages can not be identified, then the cancer will grow up to be advanced breast cancer. The advanced breast cancer is very dangerous, it can even cause death.
Breast cancer an advanced stage usually have the symptoms of like this:
  • There is a wound in the breast, Cancer cells in the breast will damage the normal cells on the breast.
  • Pus on the breast, Yellow Discharge of liquid / pus is one the symptoms of advanced breast cancer.
  • Swelling in the breast
If you want to know more detail about the symptoms of breast cancer, please consult to your doctor for more information.

What is breast cancer?

One type of cancer is also very dangerous for women is breast cancer. What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is one type of cancer that attack women breast and if not unchecked can lead to deaths. Some cells in the breast grow abnormally (cancer cells), if the cancer cells are not removed it will spread to other body parts.

What is breast cancer?
Steve Debenport / Getty Images

If the symptoms of breast cancer was left in a long time, then the cancer cells will spread (metaphase) in the lymph nodes. In addition, breast cancer cells can also spread to parts of the body such as the bones, lungs and skin. Many people who do not know what it is breast cancer. For this reason, need efforts from us (women) to look for information about breast cancer.

Need to know that the incidence rate of breast cancer is 1: 8. Every 8 women in the world, one of them has the possibility of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer is a major cause of death from cancer for women. In the United States, more than 40,000 patients die each year from breast cancer and in Europe more than 165,000 women die each year.

They (women) that affected by late-stage breast cancer is expected to survive only 18-30 months. Generally, women that are likely to develop breast cancer are those aged 40-49 years.

According to data held by WHO, 8-9% of women are likely to develop breast cancer. So in other words, every women are likely to be infected breast cancer. If you want to know more about what it is breast cancer, consult with your doctor is the best solution.

Some ways for treating cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a dangerous and deadly diseases, those affected cervical cancer are likely have a chance to die. However, this doesn't mean that the disease can't be treated. Cervical cancer can be treated in several ways, some ways for treating cervical cancer such as: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and traditional treatment.

Some ways for treating cervical cancer
Martin Barraud / Getty Images

Let us discuss one by one about some ways for treating cervical cancer:

Cervical cancer can be removed using a scalpel, in this way the patients with cervical cancer can still have children. However, this method still can make cervical cancer recurrence. For this reason, it is recommended to consult regularly after surgery. Usually the re-examination and pap smear once every three months (the first year) and six months (in subsequent years).

Radiation therapy
Cervical cancer can also be treated by radiation, ie radiation in cervical cancer cells with the aim to kill cancer cells. Cervical cancer that can be treated in this way (radiation) is the stage cervical cancer IIb, III and stage IV.

Chemotherapy treatment using a medication (through the tablets, intravenous or intramuscular). With chemotherapy, is expected to kill and inhibit the growth of cervical cancer. But we need to know that not all types of cervical cancer can be treated by chemotherapy.

Traditional medicine
Many people who use traditional medicine to treat cervical cancer. There are some successful and some are not. However, before deciding to use the traditional way, preferably consult with your doctor.

If you want to know some ways for treating cervical cancer with complete, consult with a doctor is the best way that can be done. May be useful ...........

Prevent cervical cancer

After discussing the factors that causes of cervical cancer in the previous article, now we will discuss how to prevent cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is a deadly type of cancer, we (women) should take precautions to avoid cervical cancer attack.

Prevent cervical cancer
Jochen Sands / Getty Images

That we know some the causes of cervical cancer, will make it easier to take precautions. Here are some ways to prevent cervical cancer, including:

Avoid marriage at young age
Marriage at young age allegedly can increase the risk for cervical cancer. For that, we should not get married at young age. In addition, if we get married at the right age ( >20 years), it is likely to have a bright child will also be greater.

Go to the doctor
For those (women) aged >25 years and was married, it is recommended to go to the doctor. The aim is to find out (early detection) if we have the possibility of developing cervical cancer or not.

Healthy foods
Consuming healthy foods is one way to prevent cervical cancer attacks. With good nutrition, will minimize the chances of developing cervical cancer.

Avoid the smoking
After knowing that smoking can increase the chances of developing cervical cancer, then we (women) should avoid smoking. In addition, smoking is also bad for our health such as lung disease and infertility.

Birth spacing
Birth spacing allegedly too close can cause cervical cancer. For this reason, should we (women) can adjust the spacing of children as well as possible.

Thus, some ways to prevent cervical cancer that we can do. If you want more detailed information about cervical cancer prevention, please consult with your doctor.

Factors that cause cervical cancer

In the previous article we have discussed about some the symptoms of cervical cancer, then at this article we will discuss about some of the factors that cause cervical cancer. Many people who do not know about the causes of cervical cancer, so they can not do evaluations of the day-to-day habits.

Factors that cause cervical cancer
Atbaei / Getty Images

There is a possibility that one of our habits is the cause of cervical cancer. For that, we should have to know the cause of cervical cancer, so that we can address them (cervical cancer) early on.

Here are some factors that cause cervical cancer, including:

One of the factors that cause cervical cancer is age. Generally they (women) aged over 35 years have a higher risk for developing cervical cancer. Moreover, they (women) are married at a young age (<20 years) also have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer compared to those who were married at the age of> 20 years.

Sexual activity
They (women) are often change of partners have a higher risk for developing cervical cancer. In addition, these bad habits can also cause HIV disease.

Overuse of medicines antiseptic to clean the vagina can also cause cervical cancer.

For them (women) with smoking habit have 2x greater possibility of developing cervical cancer. For this reason, should we (women) avoid unhealthy lifestyle like this.

Women who have many children with very close birth spacing are more likely to develop cervical cancer. For this reason, we (women) should  set the birth spacing to avoid cervical cancer.

Some factors that cause cervical cancer we need to know, if you want to know the symptoms of cervical cancer more detail, please consult with your doctor. Hopefully useful ................

Symptoms of cervical cancer

In previous articles we have discussed about the various types of cancer, in this article we will discuss about one type of cancer that attacks women. Yes, cervical cancer is one type of cancer that affects women between the ages of 35-55 years. Early on, we need to know about the symptoms of cervical cancer so that we can do the proper treatment.

Symptoms of cervical cancer
Beatrice Favereau / Getty Images

Some the symptoms of cervical cancer include:

Pain during sexual intercourse
If during sexual intercourse, you feel the pain unusual on the reproduction, then you should immediately consult a doctor to determine if there are possible symptoms of cervical cancer or not.

Abnormal menstrual
If the time period of menstrual blood ejected more than usual. Perhaps it is a natural thing, but if it lasts for a long time, then you should consult with your doctor.

Bleeding after sexual intercourse
If you've been married for many years, suddenly after intercourse to happen that are unreasonable (bleeding) and pain. It is possible that it is a symptom of cervical cancer.

As a women, we should know the symptoms of cervical cancer. Healthy lifestyle and a healthy eating habits regularly and is an effort to avoid cervical cancer. If you want to know the symptoms of cervical cancer more detail, please consult with your doctor.

Various types of cancer

One of the most dangerous diseases is a cancer and many people have lost their lives due to this disease. Almost 12% of deaths occurring in the world are caused by cancer. In other words, cancer is a disease of the most dangerous number 2 after cardiovascular disease.

Various types of cancer
Chad Baker / Getty Images

In the world, there are many types of cancer, for which in this article we will discuss about the various types of cancer so that we become more informed about cancer.

The various types of cancer include:
  • Cervical, this type of cancer affects women under the age of 50 years.
  • Breast Cancer, Breast cancer is one type of cancer is very dangerous, it can even cause death in women.
  • Brain cancer, a cancer that damages the human brain system.
  • Liver cancer, this type of cancer can damage the liver that can lead to death of the sufferer.
  • Ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer attacking the women after menoupase.
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Eye cancer
  • Tongue cancer, tongue cancer is rarely attack humans, but this type of cancer is also very dangerous and can cause death.
  • Prostate cancer, this type of cancer is common in men over the age of 65 years.
  • Skin Cancer
  • Gastric cancer
  • Cancer Bile Channels
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Endometrial Cancer
  • Colon Cancer
  • Leukemia cancer, almost 47,150 people in this world have been infected leukemia. A cancer that is very dangerous and can cause death.
  • Lung Cancer
  • Nasopharyngeal cancer
  • Testicular cancer
After knowing various types of cancer, let's find out the solution to overcome the disease. We will discuss them (types of cancer) one by one in the next article.

Remedy for toothache

The readers of remedy for toothache all, one of the diseases that can be said is excruciating toothache. Even to describe how tortured the toothache sufferers, many say that it is better heartache than toothache. Wow ... lest we experience a toothache.

Remedy for toothache
Medioimages/Photodisc - Getty Images

But if we had already suffering a toothache, do not worry because there are some simple medications for toothache (Remedy for toothache) but very effective, namely:

Use ice cubes to compress the pain area
This method is very easy and can be done by almost anyone. Using ice cubes are put into a bag or towel and then compress around the painful area. Cool effect caused by ice cubes can help to relieve pain caused by a toothache.

Salt water
Basically when toothache pain caused by bacteria in the mouth. Rinsing with warm salt water believed able to kill the bacteria so the pain will be reduced.

Cold cucumber
In addition to using ice cubes as a compress to relieve toothache, we can also use cucumber slices as a cold compress. The trick is to include cucumbers into refrigerator until cool and then slice it thin for use as a compress on the area of pain.

It was common that garlic is very beneficial for our health. In fact according to beliefs, the vampire frenzy if they see any garlic. The good news is, we can also use garlic to relieve toothache. The trick is to grind the garlic and then mixed with a bit of salt and then put on the tooth pain. This method is believed powerful enough as a remedy for toothache.

Strange mustache

A man in Pakistan was named Malik Amir Muhammad Khan Afridi has a very strange mustache with an unusual shape, even because this strange mustache, the life of this man almost hovering. Wow .. how can?

Strange mustache

Because of its strange mustache, Malik Amir Muhammad Khan Afridi was kidnapped nearby three years ago. Those who are kidnapping people from the Islamic extremist group so not like it. He was given the choice to cut a very strange mustache or killed. But in the end, Malik chose not to cut the mustache in length 76.2 inches and wide formed upward. He chose to move from Pakistan.

Malik Amir Muhammad Khan Afridi not smoke, he does not drink alcohol. His mustache is very strange, makes a lot of people who pay attention to his. Until one day the Islamic paramilitary group that controls the Khyber district, close to the Afghan border catch his.

The group made the rules men must a beard and mustache shaved off, this is the reason why Malik kidnapped and forced to cut his mustache. Because love of his strange mustache form, Malik plans to move from pakistan so that his life was not threatened again.

He plans move to Dubai or the United States, Britain and Canada. He wants ask for help to the British government to be allowed to live there. Malik Amir Muhammad Khan Afridi only wants to be free to lengthen the mustache.

Sing with mouth closed

For some people certainly can sing, but need to use an open mouth. But a girl in London, England was able to sing with mouth closed. Not all people can do things a extraordinary like this.

Sing with mouth closed

Do you can sing with mouth closed? Let alone to sing, to talk just maybe we will be difficulties, but a girl in the UK managed to sing a song with titled "You Are My Sunshine" with perfectly, even the sound is very melodic and beautiful.

The girl with the unique ability is not to be identified, but the video contains footage "sing with mouth closed" has been outstanding on youtube and can to bewitch everyone (youtube user). The video with the title "sing with mouth closed", has been viewed more than 3.7 million YouTube users in the world.

Now, do you want to know how this beautiful girl in the ability to sing a song with mouth closed, please to see the video below :

Stress at puberty

Who says teen years is the season a fun? According to Dailymail actually at puberty, around age 20's was a time that was very heavy. At this age are very prone to developing stress syndrome, yes Stress at puberty is likely to occur to this era.

Stress at puberty

There are several things that affect Stress at puberty, such as:

Teens started thinking about the future
At this time (teenagers) are past the age where they can be considered productive. Work hard to guarantee the future is essential in this age. As a result the brain are forced to work harder than ever before.

When the teens started thinking about the future, they will work harder for a better future. In addition to the brain will be forced to work harder, sleep patterns were often ignored. Overtime work seemed to have become "routine", the result is stress symptoms would come over.

If in dealing life, the teens have not been able to respond with a positive mind, it is possible they will fall into night world, cigarettes and alcohol (effects of stress).

According to a study involving about 2000 people, the toughest periods (stress) is as old quarter life (20 years). Neil Shah, leader of The Stress Management Society, said that the experience of stress in today's youth is even worse than their predecessors, ie 20-30 years ago.

Actually Stress at puberty can be avoided in several ways such as: Doing fun hobby, holidays with loved ones and also to good establish relationships with friends or family.

Sesame oil is good for health

It is common knowledge that the Sesame oil is good for health, many dieters are using sesame oil as a supporter of the success of their diet. But why not so many people using sesame oil for everyday cooking, while using sesame oil for cooking also provides many benefits.

Sesame oil is good for health

Sesame oil is good for health, one way to get the benefit of this sesame oil is to use it when cooking (frying). Some of the advantages that can be obtained from the sesame oil, such as:

Prevent heart disease
By using sesame oil as an ingredient for cooking can prevent the blockage of blood vessels. Keep in mind that the blockage of the blood vessels can lead to heart disease.

Lowers blood pressure
If you want to lower blood pressure in a way that is safe and natural, sesame oil is one right choice. Sesame oil contains sesamol which can lower blood pressure naturally.

Various kinds of fried food can allegedly unleashed cancer. By using sesame oil to make various kinds of fried food will be able to minimize these adverse effects (cancer).

Controlling cholesterol
Sesame oil is rich in HDL (good cholesterol) to be able to suppress the production of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood.

Flavor enhancer
Besides being very beneficial for health, sesame oil is also able to maximize the flavor of food than with vegetable cooking oil that we use.

Healthy mouth cavity
In general, fried foods can make us exposed to heat in, now using sesame oil is likely to be exposed to the heat can be minimized. In addition, sesame oil is also able to keep our mouths remain hygienic.

It's obvious that Sesame oil is good for health. So what are you waiting, immediately replace the cooking oil that we use with sesame oil ........

Food for weight gain

Body fat make us less confident, a variety of ways to lose weight. Same is the case with people who have less weight, had done a variety of ways to gain weight. Hemmm .. There are Food for weight gain that can be consumed?

Here are some kinds of Food for weight gain that can be consumed so we can increase weight gain:

Multiply to consume foods that contain lots of protein is one way that we can do to increase muscle mass so that our weight will slowly increase. Consuming foods that contain lots of fat can indeed gain weight quickly, but this way is not good for our health.

Consuming foods that contain lots of good cholesterol
By consuming foods that contain good cholesterol, it helps us gain weight healthily. In addition, foods that contain good cholesterol also can maintain the health of our heart. Some foods that contain good cholesterol, such as: Nuts and sea fish (omega 3).

Foods that contain lots of carbohydrates can also help to weight gain as long as it is consumed in sufficient amounts.

Good fats
Foods that containing fat can essentially help to gain weight quickly as long as it is consumed with serving / dose right and not excessive. Consuming foods that contain excess fat it will be bad for our health.

In addition, regular exercise is necessary so that Food for weight gain that we consume will be able to work with the maximum.

Cats in the restaurant, fined 14 million

Cleanliness is the base of health, so maybe that is the basis of the Dubai government to impose a rule that may be a bit "eccentric" for us. Dubai government will provide administrative sanction very expensive if there is a cat up in the restaurant. Eitss ... fined here is not that the cat or cat owner you know, but the restaurant. Yes .. Cats in the restaurant, fined 14 million rupiahs.

Cats in the restaurant, fined 14 million

Dubai really keep the standard of cleanliness for all restaurants in the region. Very reasonable because Dubai is a city that heavily promoting tour, so they should really be able to keep the quality of services, especially in the field of culinary.

Customers restaurants in Dubai are obliged to report to the authorities if there is one or some cats in the restaurant. In other words, if the Cats in the restaurant, fined 14 million rupiahs and it is enough to make the managers of the restaurant to be extra careful in managing the cleanliness of the restaurant.

The restaurant manager was appealed for a restaurant customer to not feed the cats that exist around the location of the restaurant. Usually the cat is coming to a restaurant because the habit of customer, who like to feed the cats.

Many people think that cats are cute animals and no one if there are a lot of sympathy when people see them hunger. But keep in mind that cats can also carry germs and bacteria which can cause some dangerous diseases.

The rules: Cats in the restaurant, fined 14 million rupiahs is very powerful as "a tool to frighten" for each restaurant in Dubai to really keep the cleanliness and hygienic quality.

Ignoring breakfast can lead heart disease

Heart disease is one of the most dangerous diseases and deadly, but do we know if it turns out one of the causes of heart disease is very trivial. This trivial things we often ignore and may also have become our habit, well if we are one of the some people who often ignore these trivial things, so beware of heart disease. The little things that meant here is "breakfast", yes Ignoring breakfast can lead heart disease.

Ignoring breakfast can lead heart disease

The question is, why Ignoring breakfast can lead heart disease? What is the relationship breakfast with our heart health? The chronology is very simple, for those who can manage time of eat well at allegedly had a relatively low cholesterol. Conversely, those who tend to be careless in manage time of eat more likely had a relatively high cholesterol.

Rising cholesterol levels is a cause of disturbance in the heart that will ultimately lead to heart disease. According to Dr. Leah E. Cahill, who has examined the relationship breakfast with the risk of heart disease, ignore breakfast can be bad for your health. Some harmful effects if we ignore breakfast time is: high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and heart problems.

After reading the article with title Ignoring breakfast can lead heart disease above, it is still assume that ignore breakfast is a trivial habit?

Castle converted into a hotel

Generally the person who can sleep and enjoying the wonderful atmosphere in the castle is a king. You can imagine the wonderful atmosphere in the castle? Yes we can only imagine and dream to be able to stay at the magnificent castle. Eitsss .. whoa now we can sleep and enjoy the atmosphere in the magnificent castle without the need be a king, you know. Yes, now there are several Castle converted into a hotel.

Several Castle converted into a hotel, such as:

Ashford castle

Castle converted into a hotel

This magnificent castle was built around the year 1228 (owned by the Guinness family) then this magnificent castle began to rent as a place to stay or in other words is a hotel.

Castello di Ripa d'Orcia castle

Castle converted into a hotel

The castle is located about 30 km from the city of Siena, Italy. With a very natural scenery and amazing (castle is located in the hills), make many people are interested to stay in to Castello di Ripa d'Orcia castle.

Chateau de Salettes castle

Castle converted into a hotel

If viewed from the outside, it does look ancient castle. But make no mistake, a palace located in France has a super luxurious inside decoration. Don't believe? Please go and see for yourself.

Thus the discussion about some of the Castle converted into a hotel. Interested to try it?

Obesity causes death at young age

Life and death is in God's hands, but at least we should try to maintain health in the hope of longer survival. One of the causes of death is obesity at young age, yes it is true if Obesity causes death at young age, especially when obesity is already happened when still a child.

Obesity causes death at young age

Obesity causes death at According to Dr. Aman Pulungan, SpA: the children who obesity more at risk to die at a young age (deaths under the age of 55 years). Children who are obese tend to crash on glucose levels, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. With a deadly disorder, it is possible that Obesity causes death at young age.

For this reason, the parents should protect their children from obesity from an early age. One way is to implement measures "five, two, one and zero".

  • Recommended to consume vegetables, at least five servings per day to avoid the accumulation of fat.
  • Try to not sit too a long time (no more than 2 hours each time we are sitting)
  • Try to set aside time, at least one hour every day for exercise so fat accumulated in our body can burned.
  • Not consume sugars or drinks that contain lots of sugar. It would be better if replaced by consuming lots of water.
Believe or not, is in fact Obesity causes death at young age. For that reason, from now on let's fight obesity with a healthy lifestyle.

Phone can cause acne

The one that makes a person self-confidence down is because facial acne. Various ways have been done to remove acne on the face, but the results are worth it. Acne still appear and appear again in our face, is there anything wrong with the way to remove acne? Try asking on our phone. Yes .. believer or not, in fact Phone can cause acne.

Phone can cause acne

Reported from Dailymail, on average each person see and hold the phone more than 150 times per day and when holding the phone we had accidentally left some germs on phones that have us hold it. Whether we realize it or not, hand is a nest the various of germs.

Maybe we have to clean your hands regularly. But, when we were already in the hand a clean condition and holding the phone again, Yeah .. germ stuck to the phone will also rub off in our hands. Then when we wiped the sweat from the face with hand .. uppssss ... just as we move the germ from your phone to hand and then to our faces. Well, This is may make the acne never go away from our face. So in other words, Phone can cause acne, that right?

Besides phone bad for the skin, because the Phone can cause acne. Phone also has a wide range of other adverse effects for our health, such as: Radiation from phone screens can bring adverse effects to the eyesight.

Treat low blood pressure

Have experienced low blood pressure? Well .. blood pressure symptoms can be similar to the anemia but with a different cause. Anemia is a disease caused by a person's lack of hemoglobin, while low blood pressure is a disease which is caused by the heart can not pump blood normally.

Treat low blood pressure

To determine whether we are suffering from low blood pressure or not, please went to the doctor. If your blood pressure is 120/90 mm ​​/ Hg, mean us normal blood pressure. However, if the results of the examination turns our blood pressure ranged from 90/60 mm / Hg, it is likely that we are exposed to low blood pressure. |How to Treat low blood pressure, specially in a natural way?

Here are a few way to Treat low blood pressure with natural way, so it doesn't cause adverse effects on health:

Changing the position of the body slowly
Usually when suffering low blood pressure, every time we change the position of the body, the head will feel dizzy. Try to change the body position slowly to avoid dizziness.

Mild exercise on a regular basis are also able to relieve the symptoms of low blood pressure.

Increase the consumption of water
Increase water consumption is believed to treat low blood pressure naturally.

Thus some way to Treat low blood pressure naturally. However, if we are trying to apply some of the tips above but the results are not yet visible, immediately consult a doctor.

Some type of tea that is bad for health

One healthy beverage to be consumed and widely recommended by the experts is tea. So many benefits that we can get if you consume tea regularly. However, do we know if there is also Some type of tea that is bad for health.

Some type of tea that is bad for health

Many types and brands of tea are commonly sold in the market with varying prices. We must be able to recognize what Some type of tea that is bad for health, so we will not be deceived and eventually consume the "poisons" tea . Usually, tea with poor quality always sold at a very low price in the market.

Good quality tea is made from young leaf tea that rich benefits for health. Different from Some type of tea that is bad for health, it is made ​​from old tea leaves. The bad news is, old tea leaves contaminated many fluoride from the soil.

Fluoride is good for bones and teeth, but if fluoride this continuously consumed in excessive amounts and accumulate in our body, it will damage the teeth and bones.

Fruits unsuitable as a dessert

Already after eating habits if we need some fruit as a dessert. Yes dessert, eaten after eating main food menu. Actually eating habits like this less well, the fruit will be much more beneficial if eaten before we eat the main food. More precisely is the Fruits unsuitable as a dessert.

Fruits unsuitable as a dessert

Why it can be said that the Fruits is unsuitable as a dessert? Fruits contain a lot of sugar, if using fruit as a dessert it will cause some digestive problems for us. Recommended to eat fruits about half an hour before eating the main food with the aim to give our digestive tract time to process the sugars contained in fruits.

In addition, eating fruits when stomach empty is also very good for health. Thus, our stomach will be able to absorb the nutrients contained in the fruit with a maximum. But not advisable to consume fruits with mayonnaise or ice cream because it will reduce the quality of health of fruits.

After knowing the reasons why the Fruit is unsuitable as a dessert, still interested use the fruit as a dessert?

Music can ease the pain

One fun hobby and also healthy is listening music. Music can accompany us in all situations while studying, cooking, working even while being in the hospital, music still faithful to accompany. Why, why in the hospital also must be music? Music can ease the pain, that's the short explanation.

Music can ease the pain

Dr. Lisa Hartling, a researcher from the University of Alberta have proven and it is true that Music can ease the pain. The research was conducted at approximately 42 hospital patients between the ages of 3 to 11 years, then Dr. Lisa divide it into 2 parts.

Once divided into two parts, namely the 21 patients who listening music while undergoing treatment in the hospital and the other half do not listening music at all. The results are truly fantastic, 21 children who listening music while undergoing treatment feel more happy and optimistic to get healing. In addition, by listening music, the children are not too fussy while undergoing treatment.

They (patients) as if anesthetized by Music and forget the pain of the needle stick. Yes, it is true that Music can ease the pain. If our children is sick and fussy, it is no harm playing the some favorite songs.

Food to repellent body odor

Body odor is very disturbing and could reduce our confidence in public. The primary cause of body odor is excessive sweating. Thus if we want to eradicate body odor, the first thing we should do is to reduce excessive sweating. Want to know how? It's easy, by consuming Food to repellent body odor ......

Food to repellent body odor

There are several Food to repellent body odor can we consume:

If we are dehydrated, your body will work harder which in turn will lead to a lot of sweat. Recommended to increase drinking water to prevent dehydration.

We can also use yogurt to reduce the production of sweat, this is because yogurt contains a lot of calcium.

With magnesium and potassium are quite a lot, is very appropriate if we use the services of tomatoes to fight excessive sweating.

Mint leaves
Mint leaves can be trusted to keep the body temperature to stay cool so it would be able to prevent excessive sweating.

Basil leaves
Since time immemorial basil is believed to repel body odor. In addition, basil is also very easy to get because there are many around us.

Thus, some Food to repellent body odor that we can try to reduce the production of excessive sweat. May be useful ................

Stop smoking, increase body weight

Smoking is one habit that is not good for our health. Various adverse effects may occur if we become a smoker, such as health problems whether mild or severe. After trying so hard and we finally free from cigarettes, but weight actually increased. Very reasonable if we Stop smoking, increase body weight.

Stop smoking, increase body weight

The chronology like this: when we become addicted to cigarettes, nicotine contained in cigarettes suppress our appetite so we always feel full and lazy to eat. Once freed from the cigarette, the nicotine effect is lost and consequently our appetite will return to normal. Once free of the influence of nicotine, we probably would have eaten more than usual.

So it is true if we Stop smoking, increase body weight? Then, how is that weight gain after quitting smoking we do not go up? Yeah... Here are some tips to prevent increase body weight after stops from smoking habits:

Consuming fruits and vegetables
By consuming foods rich in fiber (vegetables and fruit) will make us full longer, so eating foods like this will be able to suppress our appetite.

Exercising regularly can also prevent our weight go up. Fat burning in the body right if we want to exercise regularly.

Do not let the phrase "Stop smoking, increase body weight" be obstacle us to leave cigarettes.

Why obesity needs to be combated?

It is common knowledge if obesity may lead to adverse effects on health, so we must fight obesity. Yes it is true if obesity must and shall to combated, especially for women who want a healthy life in the future. The question is Why obesity needs to be combated, especially by the ladies?

Why obesity needs to be combated ?

Here are some reasons Why obesity needs to be combated, especially by women:

Disrupt the menstrual cycle
Obesity can affect a woman's menstrual cycle, if this is allowed to continue it will result in disruption of the reproductive system.

Inviting various diseases
Obesity is always synonymous with dangerous diseases. People with excess body weight was allegedly more prone to affected the disease.

Weakened muscles
The people with excess weight, usually more lazy to exercise so that causes the weakened muscles.

Ligament damage
Ligament in people with excess weight will work harder (because joints weighed down by the amount of body fat) than with those who had normal weight.

Thus several reasons Why obesity needs to be combated especially by women. May be useful .......