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What is brain cancer?

One type of cancer that also very dangerous is brain cancer. What is brain cancer? Brain cancer is a cancer that attacks the human brain, the most severe conditions can cause death. Like a cervical cancer, brain cancer is difficult to detect. Sometimes we feel a headache in the long term, it could also be a symptom of brain cancer.

What is brain cancer?
Ingram Publishing / Getty Images

Let us discuss in more detail about some the causes of brain cancer so that we better know what is brain cancer. Generally there are two factors that cause brain cancer, the factors from inside and outside.

Internal factor
One of the factors that affect brain cancer is genetic factor. If anyone in your family ever suffered from brain cancer, it is possible that the disease attacks the other family members, including yourself. To determine whether you are affected brain cancer or not, consult with doctor is best choice that can be done.

In addition to genetic factors, crash / impact on the head can also cause brain cancer attacks. If you have hard impact on the head, you should see a doctor to avoid bad risks.

External factors
Unhealthy lifestyle can also affect brain cancer attacks. If you want far from the risk of brain cancer, start to adopting a healthy lifestyle. For example: avoid smoking, fatty foods, etc..

Actually, brain cancer was not a disease that can not be prevented. We can prevent this deadly disease as long as we are willing to adopting a healthy lifestyle and always check the health regularly to a doctor.

Well ... After we knew what is brain cancer, so please to began applying a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid the attack of brain cancer. We will discuss some of the symptoms of brain cancer in the next article, see you again .............

Factors that cause breast cancer

In previous articles we had discussed about some the symptoms of breast cancer, this time we will discuss about the factors that cause breast cancer. There are several causes of this deadly disease, which are: genetic factors, drugs, poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, body height, etc..

Factors that cause breast cancer
Ana Abejon / Getty Images

Let us discuss one by one some of the factors that cause breast cancer:

One cause of breast cancer is genetic factors. Those who have the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are more likely to develop breast cancer. If you are there in the family tree who had suffered breast cancer, it is recommended to go to the doctor to determine whether you are affected breast cancer or not.

Use some types of hormonal medications, especially estrogen can also be one the causes of breast cancer. For this reason, before deciding to use specific drugs, should consult with your doctor.

Poor nutrition
Nutrition into our bodies can also affect breast cancer. For example, consume too much preservatives, MSG, sodium benzoate, etc.. The conclusion is that a bad lifestyle can cause a person to develop breast cancer.

Unhealthy lifestyle
Unhealthy lifestyle is one things that affect for breast cancer. Generally they (women) with overweight / obesity are more at risk for developing breast cancer than with those with thin.

Body height
They (women) who have a body height more than 170 cm are more at risk for developing breast cancer. The rapid growth of young future can cause structural changes in the DNA, the DNA cells transformed into malignant cells (cancer).

If you want to know about the factors that cause breast cancer, consult with your doctor is a smart choice. May be useful ...............