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Some health benefits of parsley

If there is a question: Where can we find the parsley? Surely most people would answer "on a plate". Yes .. it is normal, a lot of people who answered that way because parsley is often used to decorate food. But we need to know that parsley is also save so many health benefits.

Some health benefits of parsley

Parsley from the family of Umbelliferae is an herb that is very popular since ancient times. The people of Ancient roman use parsley as a poison antidote, sometimes they also chew a few leaves of parsley before starting drinking wine. The aim is to avoid poisoning (drunken) due to consume wine.

Some health benefits of parsley:
  • According a study, parsley oil contains a very powerful mirisitin to inhibit lung tumor formation. In many mirisitin oil contained some compounds such as apigeninflavonoid (contained in some fruits and nuts).
  • Parsley can also be used as a natural diuretic so it is appropriate to be used in the diet (lose weight).
  • In terms of cooking, parsley is actually not just as decoration to beautify a food menu. But, we can also use parsley to enhance the flavor of food as well, same as the function of the salt and sugar.
  • Parsley will function optimally if it is still fresh, dried parsley believed to have a lot to lose some substances that are essential for health.
So, it's time we open our eyes and started to use the parsley to the fullest. It is unfortunate if we just use parsley to decorate the food alone.

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