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Kill bad cholesterol with date fruit

This fruit is always identical with the gritty inland and poor water (the deserts). Dates are a fruit that only grow and thrive in warm temperate regions. Dates come from the ground on the edge of the Nile and the Euphrates River ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. The fruit is sweet and rich in minerals needed by the body. Date (Phoenix dactylifera = scientific name) comes from a Arecaceae family in the genus : Phoenix.

Kill bad cholesterol with date fruit

Date fruits is oval shaped with a diameter of 2-3 cm and 3-7 cm long. Some types of dates with superior quality, among others: Amir Haji, Saidy, Khadrawy and Medjool.

Beside have a delicious taste, dates also beneficial for our health, among others:
  • Dates contain natural sugar simple (fructose and dextrose) that is able to quickly recharge and revitalize the body.
  • Rich in fiber to absorb LDL (bad cholesterol) which is the cause of various diseases such as colon cancer.
  • Has the function of anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and anti-hemorrhagic because dates contain antioxidant flavonoid polyphenols (tannins).
  • Contain vitamin A (100 grams of dates contain 149 IU) is very good for eye health.
  • Protect the body from various diseases such as prostate, breast, lung and pancreatic cancer because dates contain anti-oxidants (zea-xanthin, ß-carotene and lutein).
  • Prevent macular degradation in old age (elderly) because dates contain lots of Zea-xanthin.
  • Rich in iron (100 grams of dates contain 0.90 mg of iron).
  • Rich in potassium (100 grams of dates contain 696 mg of potassium) so as to prevent the several dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke.
  • Have good mineral content such as magnesium, calcium, copper and manganese.
  • Contains Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin K, Vitamin B-6, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid. We need to know that Vitamin K is needed in bone metabolism.
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