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Cassava peels for alternative energy sources?

Cassava is one of the special plants that grow in Indonesia and has many benefits .. Why cassava plants called a special plant? How not, in addition to the tuber that can be made a variety of delicious food, cassava leaves and cassava peel can be utilized. Hemmm .. cassava leaf is very beneficial for health as we've discussed in previous articles. But, is it true that cassava peel can also be utilized?

Cassava peels for alternative energy sources?

Don't believe? Here are the benefits of cassava peel, such as:

Organic fertilizer
Many people are throwing away cassava peels because it is considered not beneficial. Wait .... cassava peel can also be used as an organic fertilizer that is environmentally friendly. The cassava peels that rotted is a good fertilizer for various types of plants. In addition, the organic fertilizer is also a natural remedy for plants pest control.

Cassava peel contains a lot of carbohydrates, so it is best used as fodder. With enough carbohydrate intake, animals will be healthy and chubby.

Alternative energy sources
According one study, cassava peel can be used as an alternative energy source. Through a process called acid hydrolysis and enzymatic, cassava peel will be converted into bioethanol. The bioethanol has the same functionality as fuel such as gasoline.

Delicious food
Not only cassava tubers can be made into delicious foods. But, cassava peel can also be made into delicious foods. Don't believe? There is an area in West Java, Indonesia which could make cassava peel into jerky (dendeng in indonesia). Hah, jerky? Isn't the jerky made ​​from meat? Intrigued, please visit to West Java, Indonesia and see for yourself.
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