Insufficient nutritional intake make the body to be not optimal in its function, laziness, weak and dispirited as a result of under nutrion. Same with our brain, if the brain's nutritional not met will result in various impacts such as: Often forgotten or less sharp memory. Need to know, the symptoms of "senile" is not only caused age factor, but also due to brain's nutritional needs unfulfilled.
There are many types of food that we can use to improve memory, such as:
Consumes blueberries regularly is believed to improve memory. One study has also been proven that blueberries can restore brain function decline related with age. The good news is, blueberries contains anti-oxidants that are beneficial to counteract free radicals.
Alzheimer's disease is a disease caused by inadequate intake of brain nutrients. With omega-3 in salmon make brain cells get the nutrients, so brain damage can be minimized.
With anti-oxidant substances, making coffee is very good for brain health. However, everything that is consumed in excess is not good for health, as well as coffee. Consumes excessive coffee or adding some artificial sweeteners and fat products into coffee is not good for our health.
Nuts are believed to prevent insomnia, a disease which resulted in us can not sleep. If we cannot get a good sleep quality, will make our brains cannot get adequate rest periods. The bad news is, if brain doesn't get enough rest, will cause damage to some brain cells.
If we are looking for delicious food and good for the brain, dark chocolate is a smart choice. Dark chocolate contains alot of anti-oxidants which is very good for our brains. Besides, consume dark chocolate with regularly also believed to improve brain memory.
There are many types of food that we can use to improve memory, such as:
Consumes blueberries regularly is believed to improve memory. One study has also been proven that blueberries can restore brain function decline related with age. The good news is, blueberries contains anti-oxidants that are beneficial to counteract free radicals.
Alzheimer's disease is a disease caused by inadequate intake of brain nutrients. With omega-3 in salmon make brain cells get the nutrients, so brain damage can be minimized.
With anti-oxidant substances, making coffee is very good for brain health. However, everything that is consumed in excess is not good for health, as well as coffee. Consumes excessive coffee or adding some artificial sweeteners and fat products into coffee is not good for our health.
Nuts are believed to prevent insomnia, a disease which resulted in us can not sleep. If we cannot get a good sleep quality, will make our brains cannot get adequate rest periods. The bad news is, if brain doesn't get enough rest, will cause damage to some brain cells.
If we are looking for delicious food and good for the brain, dark chocolate is a smart choice. Dark chocolate contains alot of anti-oxidants which is very good for our brains. Besides, consume dark chocolate with regularly also believed to improve brain memory.
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