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What is brain cancer?

One type of cancer that also very dangerous is brain cancer. What is brain cancer? Brain cancer is a cancer that attacks the human brain, the most severe conditions can cause death. Like a cervical cancer, brain cancer is difficult to detect. Sometimes we feel a headache in the long term, it could also be a symptom of brain cancer.

What is brain cancer?
Ingram Publishing / Getty Images

Let us discuss in more detail about some the causes of brain cancer so that we better know what is brain cancer. Generally there are two factors that cause brain cancer, the factors from inside and outside.

Internal factor
One of the factors that affect brain cancer is genetic factor. If anyone in your family ever suffered from brain cancer, it is possible that the disease attacks the other family members, including yourself. To determine whether you are affected brain cancer or not, consult with doctor is best choice that can be done.

In addition to genetic factors, crash / impact on the head can also cause brain cancer attacks. If you have hard impact on the head, you should see a doctor to avoid bad risks.

External factors
Unhealthy lifestyle can also affect brain cancer attacks. If you want far from the risk of brain cancer, start to adopting a healthy lifestyle. For example: avoid smoking, fatty foods, etc..

Actually, brain cancer was not a disease that can not be prevented. We can prevent this deadly disease as long as we are willing to adopting a healthy lifestyle and always check the health regularly to a doctor.

Well ... After we knew what is brain cancer, so please to began applying a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid the attack of brain cancer. We will discuss some of the symptoms of brain cancer in the next article, see you again .............

Factors that cause breast cancer

In previous articles we had discussed about some the symptoms of breast cancer, this time we will discuss about the factors that cause breast cancer. There are several causes of this deadly disease, which are: genetic factors, drugs, poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, body height, etc..

Factors that cause breast cancer
Ana Abejon / Getty Images

Let us discuss one by one some of the factors that cause breast cancer:

One cause of breast cancer is genetic factors. Those who have the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are more likely to develop breast cancer. If you are there in the family tree who had suffered breast cancer, it is recommended to go to the doctor to determine whether you are affected breast cancer or not.

Use some types of hormonal medications, especially estrogen can also be one the causes of breast cancer. For this reason, before deciding to use specific drugs, should consult with your doctor.

Poor nutrition
Nutrition into our bodies can also affect breast cancer. For example, consume too much preservatives, MSG, sodium benzoate, etc.. The conclusion is that a bad lifestyle can cause a person to develop breast cancer.

Unhealthy lifestyle
Unhealthy lifestyle is one things that affect for breast cancer. Generally they (women) with overweight / obesity are more at risk for developing breast cancer than with those with thin.

Body height
They (women) who have a body height more than 170 cm are more at risk for developing breast cancer. The rapid growth of young future can cause structural changes in the DNA, the DNA cells transformed into malignant cells (cancer).

If you want to know about the factors that cause breast cancer, consult with your doctor is a smart choice. May be useful ...............

The symptoms of breast cancer

In the previous article we discussed about the definition of breast cancer. In this article we will discuss about some of the symptoms of breast cancer. Breast cancer have not a specific symptoms, the symptoms of breast cancer will be seen when it is severe. For that, we should consult to doctor to determine whether we are affected by breast cancer or not.

The symptoms of breast cancer
Vstock / Getty Images

The symptoms of early stage breast cancer is different from advanced stage breast cancer, let us discuss one by one:
  • Early-stage breast cancer, Early stage breast cancer have some the symptoms, such as:
  • Drastic weight loss, If your weight suddenly drop drastically, it is possible that you experienced the symptoms of breast cancer. To be sure, please consult to doctor.
  • Fever and pain around the breast, If you often suffer fever and pain around the breast, consult with your doctor to determine whether you are affected by breast cancer or not.
  • Irregular metabolism, The symptoms of early stage breast cancer is usually indicated by irregular metabolism (frequently urination or defecation).
  • Changes in breast shape, Changes in breast shape and pus oozing is also a symptoms of breast cancer.

If the the symptoms of breast cancer in the early stages can not be identified, then the cancer will grow up to be advanced breast cancer. The advanced breast cancer is very dangerous, it can even cause death.
Breast cancer an advanced stage usually have the symptoms of like this:
  • There is a wound in the breast, Cancer cells in the breast will damage the normal cells on the breast.
  • Pus on the breast, Yellow Discharge of liquid / pus is one the symptoms of advanced breast cancer.
  • Swelling in the breast
If you want to know more detail about the symptoms of breast cancer, please consult to your doctor for more information.

What is breast cancer?

One type of cancer is also very dangerous for women is breast cancer. What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is one type of cancer that attack women breast and if not unchecked can lead to deaths. Some cells in the breast grow abnormally (cancer cells), if the cancer cells are not removed it will spread to other body parts.

What is breast cancer?
Steve Debenport / Getty Images

If the symptoms of breast cancer was left in a long time, then the cancer cells will spread (metaphase) in the lymph nodes. In addition, breast cancer cells can also spread to parts of the body such as the bones, lungs and skin. Many people who do not know what it is breast cancer. For this reason, need efforts from us (women) to look for information about breast cancer.

Need to know that the incidence rate of breast cancer is 1: 8. Every 8 women in the world, one of them has the possibility of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer is a major cause of death from cancer for women. In the United States, more than 40,000 patients die each year from breast cancer and in Europe more than 165,000 women die each year.

They (women) that affected by late-stage breast cancer is expected to survive only 18-30 months. Generally, women that are likely to develop breast cancer are those aged 40-49 years.

According to data held by WHO, 8-9% of women are likely to develop breast cancer. So in other words, every women are likely to be infected breast cancer. If you want to know more about what it is breast cancer, consult with your doctor is the best solution.

Some ways for treating cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a dangerous and deadly diseases, those affected cervical cancer are likely have a chance to die. However, this doesn't mean that the disease can't be treated. Cervical cancer can be treated in several ways, some ways for treating cervical cancer such as: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and traditional treatment.

Some ways for treating cervical cancer
Martin Barraud / Getty Images

Let us discuss one by one about some ways for treating cervical cancer:

Cervical cancer can be removed using a scalpel, in this way the patients with cervical cancer can still have children. However, this method still can make cervical cancer recurrence. For this reason, it is recommended to consult regularly after surgery. Usually the re-examination and pap smear once every three months (the first year) and six months (in subsequent years).

Radiation therapy
Cervical cancer can also be treated by radiation, ie radiation in cervical cancer cells with the aim to kill cancer cells. Cervical cancer that can be treated in this way (radiation) is the stage cervical cancer IIb, III and stage IV.

Chemotherapy treatment using a medication (through the tablets, intravenous or intramuscular). With chemotherapy, is expected to kill and inhibit the growth of cervical cancer. But we need to know that not all types of cervical cancer can be treated by chemotherapy.

Traditional medicine
Many people who use traditional medicine to treat cervical cancer. There are some successful and some are not. However, before deciding to use the traditional way, preferably consult with your doctor.

If you want to know some ways for treating cervical cancer with complete, consult with a doctor is the best way that can be done. May be useful ...........

Prevent cervical cancer

After discussing the factors that causes of cervical cancer in the previous article, now we will discuss how to prevent cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is a deadly type of cancer, we (women) should take precautions to avoid cervical cancer attack.

Prevent cervical cancer
Jochen Sands / Getty Images

That we know some the causes of cervical cancer, will make it easier to take precautions. Here are some ways to prevent cervical cancer, including:

Avoid marriage at young age
Marriage at young age allegedly can increase the risk for cervical cancer. For that, we should not get married at young age. In addition, if we get married at the right age ( >20 years), it is likely to have a bright child will also be greater.

Go to the doctor
For those (women) aged >25 years and was married, it is recommended to go to the doctor. The aim is to find out (early detection) if we have the possibility of developing cervical cancer or not.

Healthy foods
Consuming healthy foods is one way to prevent cervical cancer attacks. With good nutrition, will minimize the chances of developing cervical cancer.

Avoid the smoking
After knowing that smoking can increase the chances of developing cervical cancer, then we (women) should avoid smoking. In addition, smoking is also bad for our health such as lung disease and infertility.

Birth spacing
Birth spacing allegedly too close can cause cervical cancer. For this reason, should we (women) can adjust the spacing of children as well as possible.

Thus, some ways to prevent cervical cancer that we can do. If you want more detailed information about cervical cancer prevention, please consult with your doctor.

Factors that cause cervical cancer

In the previous article we have discussed about some the symptoms of cervical cancer, then at this article we will discuss about some of the factors that cause cervical cancer. Many people who do not know about the causes of cervical cancer, so they can not do evaluations of the day-to-day habits.

Factors that cause cervical cancer
Atbaei / Getty Images

There is a possibility that one of our habits is the cause of cervical cancer. For that, we should have to know the cause of cervical cancer, so that we can address them (cervical cancer) early on.

Here are some factors that cause cervical cancer, including:

One of the factors that cause cervical cancer is age. Generally they (women) aged over 35 years have a higher risk for developing cervical cancer. Moreover, they (women) are married at a young age (<20 years) also have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer compared to those who were married at the age of> 20 years.

Sexual activity
They (women) are often change of partners have a higher risk for developing cervical cancer. In addition, these bad habits can also cause HIV disease.

Overuse of medicines antiseptic to clean the vagina can also cause cervical cancer.

For them (women) with smoking habit have 2x greater possibility of developing cervical cancer. For this reason, should we (women) avoid unhealthy lifestyle like this.

Women who have many children with very close birth spacing are more likely to develop cervical cancer. For this reason, we (women) should  set the birth spacing to avoid cervical cancer.

Some factors that cause cervical cancer we need to know, if you want to know the symptoms of cervical cancer more detail, please consult with your doctor. Hopefully useful ................

Symptoms of cervical cancer

In previous articles we have discussed about the various types of cancer, in this article we will discuss about one type of cancer that attacks women. Yes, cervical cancer is one type of cancer that affects women between the ages of 35-55 years. Early on, we need to know about the symptoms of cervical cancer so that we can do the proper treatment.

Symptoms of cervical cancer
Beatrice Favereau / Getty Images

Some the symptoms of cervical cancer include:

Pain during sexual intercourse
If during sexual intercourse, you feel the pain unusual on the reproduction, then you should immediately consult a doctor to determine if there are possible symptoms of cervical cancer or not.

Abnormal menstrual
If the time period of menstrual blood ejected more than usual. Perhaps it is a natural thing, but if it lasts for a long time, then you should consult with your doctor.

Bleeding after sexual intercourse
If you've been married for many years, suddenly after intercourse to happen that are unreasonable (bleeding) and pain. It is possible that it is a symptom of cervical cancer.

As a women, we should know the symptoms of cervical cancer. Healthy lifestyle and a healthy eating habits regularly and is an effort to avoid cervical cancer. If you want to know the symptoms of cervical cancer more detail, please consult with your doctor.

Various types of cancer

One of the most dangerous diseases is a cancer and many people have lost their lives due to this disease. Almost 12% of deaths occurring in the world are caused by cancer. In other words, cancer is a disease of the most dangerous number 2 after cardiovascular disease.

Various types of cancer
Chad Baker / Getty Images

In the world, there are many types of cancer, for which in this article we will discuss about the various types of cancer so that we become more informed about cancer.

The various types of cancer include:
  • Cervical, this type of cancer affects women under the age of 50 years.
  • Breast Cancer, Breast cancer is one type of cancer is very dangerous, it can even cause death in women.
  • Brain cancer, a cancer that damages the human brain system.
  • Liver cancer, this type of cancer can damage the liver that can lead to death of the sufferer.
  • Ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer attacking the women after menoupase.
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Eye cancer
  • Tongue cancer, tongue cancer is rarely attack humans, but this type of cancer is also very dangerous and can cause death.
  • Prostate cancer, this type of cancer is common in men over the age of 65 years.
  • Skin Cancer
  • Gastric cancer
  • Cancer Bile Channels
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Endometrial Cancer
  • Colon Cancer
  • Leukemia cancer, almost 47,150 people in this world have been infected leukemia. A cancer that is very dangerous and can cause death.
  • Lung Cancer
  • Nasopharyngeal cancer
  • Testicular cancer
After knowing various types of cancer, let's find out the solution to overcome the disease. We will discuss them (types of cancer) one by one in the next article.